Viagra: Myths and Facts

The popularity of Viagra is unprecedented. Apparently, it is one of the most famous medicines. Even anecdotes are composed about it. But in fact, people often have poor knowledge of this medicine. There are a lot of misconceptions about which you need to know in more detail. So what is Viagra?

My Canadian Pharmacy Reveals the Truth about Viagra


The medical preparation known to people as “Viagra” is also called Sildenafil. The original drug was developed by the German group of companies Pfizer. Sildenafil helped many men, who were already desperate to regain their former strength, since “nothing helped.” Viagra is usually associated with several misconceptions.

Erectile dysfunction depends only on psychology and male expectations

If it were so, then it would be easier to get rid of erectile dysfunction: talk to a doctor, take a course of psychotherapy and be ready! But, unfortunately, physical factors influence male health much more than psychological ones. For example, erectile dysfunction may occur if a person has diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Nervous stresses also play a great role. At the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction, one should refuse nicotine and alcohol, which adversely affect the body and aggravate any disease.

Why take Viagra, if the violations of erectile function are rare enough?

If you think that rare deviations are not problems at all, then you are wrong. Even if you have few cases like this, it’s still a drawback. And if you take the practical side of the case, then at least three people out of ten really have problems with erection. Viagra from My Canadian Pharmacy has a positive effect on the general condition of the body and allows to achieve a strong effect, regardless of whether your problems are temporary or permanent. According to statistics, more than 20 million men tested the effect of Viagra and noted its positive qualities in terms of impact on the body.

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Erectile disorders are a common and inevitable phenomenon which can’t be corrected

Do not put up with the diseases that can be eliminated with proper treatment. Do not deprive yourself of the joy of sexual life and all pleasures. Erectile dysfunction is a disease. Many diseases can be cured with the right medical approach. And if there is such an opportunity, then why not take advantage of it? Viagra will return any man to a normal sexual life, give confidence in his abilities. Do not think that erectile dysfunction is a tribute to your age and inevitable.

Viagra helps only men with serious sexual problems

No, not only them. Even if the disease is severe, the drug will produce an excellent healing effect. It should be used even if the problems in sexual life are insignificant.

Viagra is not needed for those men who can achieve an erection but can not maintain it

Viagra Canada Pharmacy not only helps achieve an erection, but also ensures its duration. The discomfort arises neither at the beginning nor at the end of the sexual intercourse.

Viagra is ineffective. When you take it, there is no effect

Viagra is a medicinal product. If you comply with all the recommendations of the doctor, the effect will surely come. If there is no effect, there may be serious reasons for that.

  1. Viagra is not a sexual agent. Its effect is manifested only when there is sexual arousal. If your partner is not attractive to you, Viagra Canada Pharmacy will not help achieve the desired results;
  2. Another reason is a very small dose of the drug;
  3. You should take Viagra before eating – in this case, the medicine is absorbed most qualitatively. If you take the drug after a good dinner, especially fatty foods, its action will be slowed down. So, one more tip: act according to the doctor’s recommendations.
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You can take a blue tablet and the penis will instantly take a “working position”

In fact, it’s a very common myth. Viagra will not act on its own if there is no object of attraction. A man can achieve erectile only when sexually aroused. The erection is natural.

In addition, Viagra prevents not all types of sexual impotence. Taking Viagra is useless in:

  • pathological venous drainage;
  • fibrosis of the cavernous bodies of the penis;
  • a number of other diseases.

Do not take the drug without consulting a specialist, as stated in the instructions. With sexual dysfunction, always consult a doctor.

If a man swallows a miraculous tablet, he needs a partner at the same moment. Or in the absence of a woman, a man has to immediately resort to self-satisfaction

All these are stupid myths because sex is not just a physiological process. It is certainly backed up by spiritual and emotional parts. In addition, you should use the power of thought to start enjoying sexual pleasures. Viagra only contributes to the natural flow of blood to the male genital organ. Unfortunately, this tablet affects neither the emotional nor mental components. And, by the way, Viagra, like other medicines, should not be taken with alcohol.

Viagra causes an artificial relationship. The reason for the pleasures is not the passion for the partner, but merely the effect of the tablet

You can hardly find anything artificial here. Viagra will only work when it’s time for the love foreplay. Kisses, tenderness with a partner – all this is real. And an erection will occur in a completely natural way. Viagra will only provide a strong influx of blood to the penis if there is a sexual object of excitement. And this contributes to a long and persistent erection – anywhere and in any position.

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It is difficult to discuss sexual problems with a doctor. And the doctor is not eager to talk on such a delicate topic

Erectile dysfunction is an illness. This is a deviation that can be cured. Therefore, it is not worthwhile to be skeptical about doctors. The doctor will take sexual disorders completely normal and will do anything to help you. Physicians have helped millions of men with these disorders. They will help you, too. You can not remain silent and suffer from the fact that your health and quality of life are far from perfect. Any deviation can be cured if desired.

Viagra can be taken by elderly men only. Young people should not take it even if they have erectile problems

Viagra can be taken from the age of 18 if there are problems with erection. The age of men with erectile dysfunction ranges from 25 to 40. Half of the problems occur at the age of 40. But nowadays, stresses and experiences become more typical for young men.

The magic pill multiplies the sexual desire a hundredfold

Viagra does not affect sexual desire. The medicine acts strictly on a physiological level. A fairly naive myth gives hope that Viagra promotes female sexual excitement. Alas, Viagra from My Canadian Pharmacy is intended for men only.