The Action of Viagra With My Canadian Pharmacy

ViagraThe action of Viagra is based on smooth muscles relaxation and blood flow increase to cavernous body. Viagra enlarges the blood-vessels of cavernous body at the sexual excitement. As a result the blood flow increases making it possible to achieve normal erection.

The effect of this preparation was introduced in 1992 when the pharmaceutical company “Pfizer” had conducted trials of preparation containing sildenafil. The scientists tried to create the preparation to increase the blood flow to the cardiac muscle but the effect was opposite. The blood flow increase was observed at men’s genitals. In 1998 the release of Viagra started in the USA. Now Viagra may be bought favourably at My Canadian Pharmacy. We are an online pharmacy with a wide range of drugs inclusively of Viagra. There is no demand to have prescription list that’s why command our service right now and receive Viagra at the stated time spans.

Therapeutic Indications

Viagra is a remedy applied at erectile dysfunction treatment. But there are some problems in definition of the state “erectile dysfunction”. The majority of scientists believe that erectile dysfunction is inability to achieve the normal potency to conduct the sexual intercourse. Such disorders are more often observed at men over 40 but there are obvious cases when more young people are damaged by this disorder. There are various reasons of erectile dysfunction appearance. They are:

  • psychological problems;
  • health problems such as atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption and drug abuse.


as it was mentioned above Viagra is released by pharmaceutical company “Pfizer”. These pills are blue, rhombic having text “VGR 25”, “VGR 50” and “VGR 100”. The active component of this preparation is considered to be sildenafil. Viagra is proved to be universal preparation but the main daily dose is 50 mg but there are some counter indications where it is better to decrease or to increase the daily dose. Of course it is better to consul the doctor before starting intake of Viagra but it is also possible to order Viagra via My Canadian Pharmacy. Our supportive will be glad to explain you everything about the intake of this preparation.

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You’d better to take Viagra 30 minutes before sexual intercourse but the natural sexual excitement should be present to have stronger effect. One pill should be taken per one day. The unbridled effect of this preparation may result in severe ramifications. Before intake read the instruction for use attentively.

Side Effects

Side effects may appear but they are not expressed ones. The trials have shown that Viagra correct intake cannot damage health and spoil health condition. But it is better to take under control your health to prevent any unforeseen ramifications which may become the result of Viagra intake.

Viagra is not a breakthrough or some kind of innovation but it improves the male lives considerable especially over 40. You cannot do anything special to achieve potency but Viagra will improve this quality. Make orders via My Canadian Pharmacy. You will make it affordable moreover you will receive additional pills to the paid amount.